DMIF-GEN DB-Questionnaire 1998


Dear DMIF-GEN member, to improve the DMIF-GEN data base we need some information from You. Please take yourselve15 minutes to fill out this form. Please check, if You have filled out your "Identity" in the E-mail preferences of your browser. It's recommended, to use the newest browser-version You have. For safety reasons, You can print this form with your data in it, before You submit it.

The results of this questionnaire will be available on WWW. You will get the URL through the DMIF-GEN mailing list.

The personal data will be separated from your comments to the data base-prototype. The Comments will then be anonymized before they are uploaded on WWW.

Time to fill in your data: app. 15 min. Thank You for taking the time and your co-operation.

DEADLINE: Please fill out and send this form within one week after receipt of the e-mail!

Check the Results of the DMIF-GEN Questionnaire 1998

1. Responsible Persons/Institutions

1.1 Institution

Institution: Address:
Postal Code/City: Country:
TelephoneInst: Telefax:
e-mail: URL: http://

1.2 Person

First name:
Family name:

1.3 DMIF-GEN Work Package:

1.1 1.2 1.3 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 3.1 3.2.1 3.2.2 3.3 4 Other, please specify:

1.4 Do You attend the third DMIF-GEN meeting in Rome?

Yes No Remarks:

2. Hard- and Software-Infrastructure

2.1 Do You have enough Hard- and Software to run the DMIF-GEN data base Version 1.0?

Yes No Remarks:

2.2 Do You or Your Organization have a PC with an Intel Pentium Processor?

Yes => go to 2.3 No=> go to 2.5 Remarks:

If Yes:
2.3 How many Megahertz does the processor run with? Mhz
2.4 How many MB RAM has your PC? MB RAM

2.5 Do You have MS Access 97 (Version 8.0) as DBMS?

Yes No No, but it is possible to organize access to MS Access 97


2.6 Do You have Internet Connection?

Yes => go to 2.7 No=> go to Part 3 Remarks:

If Yes:
2.7 Which Browser do You use?
Netscape Navigator/Communicator MS Internet Explorer NCSA Mosaic Lynx Other Browser, please specify:

2.8 Which version of that browser do You have in use today?

Netscape Navigator 1.0 Netscape Navigator 2.0-2.02 Netscape Navigator 3.01-3.04 Netscape Communicator 4.01-4.05

MS Internet Explorer 3.0 Internet Explorer 3.01/3.1 MS Internet Explorer 4.0

Other version, please specify:

3. Use of the DMIF-GEN data base

3.1 Did You evaluate the prototype of DMIF-GEN data base Version 1.0 (the floppy, You received in Gent)?

Yes => go to 3.4 To some extent => go to 3.5 No => go to 3.2


If No:
3.2 Why did You not evaluate the prototype?

I had no time to use it.

This data base is not relevant for my work

I don't want to spend my time on a prototype. I'll evaluate the final version.

Access 97 was not available. I could not start the data base.

I did not receive a floppy with the data base on it.

I found it difficult to use. => please go to 3.3


3.3 Difficulties of the data base:
What was the difficulty?

I have difficulties with Access data bases in general.

I had difficulties specific with the DMIF-GEN data base.


=> please go to Part 5

If Yes:
3.4 For how long did You evaluate the prototype of the DMIF-GEN data base?
approximatly hours.


=> please go to Part 4

If "to some extent":
3.5 Reasons, why You evaluated the prototype only to some extent?

"To some extent" is enough for a prototype. I'll fully evaluate the final version when it's ready.

I did not have enough time to fully evaluate it.

This data base is not relevant for my work.

I found it difficult to use. => please go to 3.6


3.6 Difficulties of the data base:
What was the difficulty?

I have difficulties with Access data bases in general.

I had difficulties specific with the DMIF-GEN data base.


=> please go to Part 4

4. Analysis of the existing DMIF-GEN data base Version 1.0

4.1 Importance of the whole data base:

In your opinion: How easy can the following data be entered in the existing structure? (Notice: Since version 1.0 doesn't contain too many data, it is possible, that the asked information is not yet included in version 1.0. But Question 4.1.1-4.1.10 only cares about the fact, if the asked information COULD be integrated in the existing structure or not. Not the data-quality should be evaluated but the structure of the data base!) Please do only tick, if You evaluated this specific question. If not, proceed to the next question.

4.1.1 Information on detection methods

Cannot be integrated in existing structure

Excellent integration in existing structure

4.1.2 Data on experiences made with detection methods

Difficult to integrate in existing structure

Excellent integration in existing structure

4.1.3 List of processed products possibly containing a certain GMO

Difficult to integrate in existing structure

Excellent integration in existing structure

4.1.4 Summaries of national approvals of GMO's

Difficult to integrate in existing structure

Excellent integration in existing structure

4.1.5 Precise genetic information on approved GMO's Difficult to integrate in existing structure Excellent integration in existing structure
4.1.6 Applicability of methods for certain foodstuff Difficult to integrate in existing structure Excellent integration in existing structure
4.1.7 Information on the relationship between approvals and the single lines Difficult to integrate in existing structure Excellent integration in existing structure
4.1.8 Information on the relationship between approvals and the genetic elements Difficult to integrate in existing structure Excellent integration in existing structure
4.1.9 Please describe the structure You need: Difficult to integrate in existing structure Excellent integration in existing structure
4.1.10 Please describe the structure You need: Difficult to integrate in existing structure Excellent integration in existing structure


4.2 Importance of the single forms:

4.2.1 Transformation Line

Not Important

Very Important

4.2.2 Altered Trait

Not Important

Very Important

4.2.3 Approval

Not Important

Very Important

4.2.4 Contact

Not Important

Very Important

4.2.5 Contact-Person

Not Important

Very Important

4.2.6 Detection, PCR

Not Important

Very Important

4.2.7 Extraction

Not Important

Very Important

4.2.8 Genetic Element

Not Important

Very Important

4.2.9 Literature

Not Important

Very Important

4.2.10 Oligo

Not Important

Very Important

4.2.11 Organism

Not Important

Very Important

4.2.12 Position

Not Important

Very Important

4.2.13 Sequence

Not Important

Very Important


4.3 Did you have problems by using the data base?

Yes No => go to 4.5 Remarks:

If yes: 4.4 What kind of problems?

I was missing an easy entry-form.

I had no overview.

By moving from form to form, there was no connection between the information-fields.

I was not able to make a query.

=> Please describe more problems you had, while using the data base:

4.5 Please fill in Your overall critic in the following field:

5. Future Versions of the DMIF-GEN data base Development

5.1 Do You prefer a local data base on a local DBMS (such as version 1.0) or a web-based data base on your local browser?

Local data base

Web-based data base

No preferences => go to 5.3


5.2 Why do You prefer a local or a web-based data base?

5.3 Please fill in Your suggestions and wishes to the new version 2.0 in the following field:

6 DMIF-GEN mailing-list:

6.1 Are you subscribed to the DMIF-GEN mailing-list?

Yes => go to the "Send"-Button No => go to 6.2 Remarks:

If No:
6.2 Would You like to get subscribed?

Yes No

6.3 What is Your e-mail address?

If You want to send Your questionnaire, push "Send Questionnaire". If you want to reset the questionnaire to an empty form, push "Empty Questionnaire". (Attention: "Empty Questionnaire" will delete all your answers!)
Please be patient. It takes app. 5 minutes until the Questionnaire is submitted. Please do not click anything for the next 5 minutes. Please do not click on "send" more than 2 times, even when you think, that it doesn't work.

(If You should have problems after pushing "Send Questionnaire", please make a print of this questionnaire-website and send an e-mail to or call ++41 1 632 67 47.)

The results will be available on WWW. You will get the URL through the DMIF-GEN mailing-list.

Thank You for taking the time to fill out the whole questionnaire!

Check the Results of the DMIF-GEN Questionnaire 1998

DMIF-GEN project
Webadmin: Jakob Lindenmeyer
Agency BATS, Basel
Comments to:
2. October 1998